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About Lety




Picky eaters

Clean eating

Digestive wellness

Food allergies & intolerance

Diet and detoxification


My Story


They say all things happen for a reason and I believe that to be true.  Sometimes we can identify the reason immediately, but sometimes it takes quite some time until it all makes sense to us. When my daughter was three weeks old we found blood in her stool (hematochezia) as well as a full body rash and she was having extreme belly pain.  The doctors felt she probably had food allergies and that as a nursing mother I should either stop nursing or drastically change my diet. Immediately I cut out dairy, soy, nuts, berries, wheat/gluten and citrus foods.  She improved, but was not fully healed.  After months and months of trial and error, through skin testing and blood work (not so easy on an infant) we still had no concrete answers.  The doctors seemed to give up on us and simply said that “she was an allergy kid” and she would just have to deal with her many issues (i.e. rashes, blood in stool, uncontrollable scratching throughout the night, cracking and bloody skin due to eczema, hyperactivity and inability to sleep extended periods of time) for the rest of her life. Not satisfied with that answer my husband and I began looking for solutions elsewhere.  Through our search we discovered the world of natural healing and the importance of nutrition, and that is when our life began to change.  With the help of a homeopath, an acupuncturist, and a naturopath, we were supported through many changes that made a significant improvement in my daughter’s health. Eventually she was diagnosed with Candida, an overgrowth of yeast throughout her whole body.  She needed to go on a very strict diet in addition to taking many supplements if we wanted to beat the yeast. How do you explain to a 5 year old that everything she has been eating although healthy was hurting her body and she would have to stop eating them for a year?  Well, my husband and I are both teachers so we did what felt natural to us, we educated her.  We showed her microscopic pictures of Candida, explained to her in detail what every supplement she was taking was doing to help, discussed the effects of sugar on her body etc. Although my daughter’s diet had been challenging in the past, it was nothing compared to the restrictions we were now faced on a Candida diet.  Through many hours of experimenting in the kitchen I was able to create new dishes suitable for a 5 year old to bring to school. I am glad to report that although it was a challenge, we made it and she is now Candida free after only 7 months! Everything happens for a reason.  I couldn’t identify it right away, but now it is as clear as day.  My daughter’s struggles have led me to the place I am right now.   A place surrounded by holistic practitioners,  a place where I have learned the importance of nutritional healing and most of all, a place where I can give back and teach others what I have learned through my journey with food and nutrition.

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